Columns & Opinions

Growth paying for new infrastructure

Growth paying for new infrastructure

As we move forward with our infrastructure improvements, it's important to remember that infrastructure is not only buildings, roads, bridges or any other physical structures. Infrastructure is also added personnel that are needed in a growing county. So, today's article focuses on some of those jobs and how they are what we call 'budget neutral.'

Why Milam County needs a fire marshal

Why Milam County needs a fire marshal

Why do we need a Fire Marshal in Milam County? That is the top question I get when the subject of the Fire Marshal’s office comes up. The answer all comes down to the growth we are seeing and expect to continue in the next few years. Infrastructure development is one of the most overlooked concerns when preparing for growth in a county. Many communities and counties are overwhelmed by growth to their area and the main reason why always points back to infrastructure development. With Milam County having grown in population by 10%, infrastructure to handle the growth is of major importance.


Rockdale Reporter

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Rockdale, TX 76567