Thanks to banquet volunteers for work

Dear editor,

Thank you to everyone who helped with the first Rockdale Tiger Football Banquet on Feb. 1.

They include:

• Jocelyn Lewis for her expertise and patience in designing the program.

• Zena Caldwell, Denise Betchan, Jenah Campsey, Susan Dean, Jenn Gibbs, Laura Gibbs, Tom Loth, Angel Miller, Hannah Noel, Diana Perry, Donna Springer and Ashley Willard for setting up and decorating.

• Eddie Boyd, Eric Robinson, Eddie Klekar and Mike Offield for cooking the amazing burgers.

• Tiger moms/grand-moms and coaches’ wives for providing the delicious desserts—Deborah Bur-rough, Zena Caldwell, Jen-ah Campsey, Tracy Chambers, Susan Dean, Rhonda Debault, Joyce Ford, Jen Gibbs, Laura Gibbs, Myra Harris, Michelle Lehmkuhl, Angel Miller, Kendra Moore, Nikki Nadeau, Jessica Newlin, Hannah Noel, Wendi Offield, Diana Perry, Donna Scruggs, Judy Shelander, Donna Springer and Ashley Willard.

• Donna Scruggs, Mary Woodward, Wendi Offield, Jeff and Rebecca King, Kendra Moore, Nikki Nadeau, and Kara Clore for serving food.

• Tracy Chambers for letting the Booster Club use the football decorations.

• Rockdale KC’s for donating $100 towards the hall rental.

• Coaches and players for a great season and an amazing recap of the games.

• Everyone who bought state champion apparel to purchase state rings for the entire team. The announcement was one of the highlights of the night.

• Anyone else who helped in any way to make the banquet a success. We could not have put on the banquet without your help.

• We apologize for not including Carroll and Sandy Glaser in the program as Booster Club Gold Members

Jeff Miller, Angel Miller, Ashley Willard, Jenah Campsey, Zena Caldwell, Debbi Davis, Susan Dean (Banquet Planning Committee)

dbetchan@rockdaleisd. net

Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567