Thanks for public alert on newsprint tariff

Dear editor,

I really appreciate your letting us know about the tariff on newsprint (Reporter, April 12).

It’s a small thing, but important. We tend to focus on big issues, but little issues can certainly pile up and become a big issue and then it is too late to fix.

So, thank you.

However, I really do love your new online version of the Reporter.

I can read it anywhere, anytime and never have to throw it away.

The pictures and print are crisp and the color is perfect. So thanks.

Leah Martaindale

Martaindale3@yahoo. com

(Thanks, for the nice comments. Much appreciated. Just to clarify, one point of that editorial is that if tariffs, or any other combination of economic pressures, force the hold-it-in-your-hands editions of community newspapers to go away, so do the online versions. Hard-copy advertising and readership, provides more than 90 percent of the revenue that enable digital versions to exist.— M.B.)

Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567