Columns & Opinions
Way too early for Christmas music
normally do not handle time changes very well be they either in the spring or the fall, but this year it seems like my body tried to automatically acclimate itself to it. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday I was in bed asleep by 8:30 p.m. so this one doesn’t seem so bad yet. I
Veteran suicide
For many veterans, the simple act of asking for help is very difficult. Personal responsibility is a cornerstone of military culture. Yet this ethos of self-sufficiency too often prevents many veterans from seeking even basic medical or legal assistance — professional help that all of us occasionally need.
I serve a risen savior
I grew up in the church (PTL) and I grew up singing, “Deep and wide, deep and wide, there is a fountain flowing deep and wide.” I also grew up going to the community pool when visiting my grandparents and I remember the kiddie pool. As an older child I would run through it and the water was warm and comfortable. It was always tempting to stay in that shallow water.