Every family has its Christmas season traditions. That includes the “family of Rock-dale,” which has one of the best. This is th 52nd consecutive year for Christmas Roundup, which is
Every family has its Christmas season traditions. That includes the “family of Rock-dale,” which has one of the best. This is th 52nd consecutive year for Christmas Roundup, which is
100 YEARS AGO.... Otis Dodson, described as a young man from Alabama, died when apparently trying to dismount in Thorndale from a freight train on which he had been hitching
Recently we met with Bitmain, Whinstone, Texas Workforce Solutions, the school superintendents and others to discuss filling the many new jobs that are coming to the area. Both Bitmain and
When I was in the fifth grade in Mrs. Joan Thoede’s class I got a terrible case of the mumps in my salivary glands. You don’t hear too much about
ARockdale minister once told a story about a church business meeting attended by a very elderly man who was one of the “pillars”—quotation marks on purpose—of the congregation. After about
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567