Columns & Opinions

Doesn’t this mean anything to you?

Doesn’t this mean anything to you?

Bishop Gerald Kennedy shares a story from his days as a student at Yale Divinity School about an ongoing debate among the faculty and student body over the proper attire for seminary students. The faculty considered dress clothes appropriate: students were comfortable with casual wear. The debate took form on the bulletin board. A faculty member posted a note quoting Isaiah 2:1, “Awake, put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city.” In response, a student posted Matthew 6:25, “Do not be anxious about your life, nor about your body, what you shall put on.”

Revival is essential

Revival is essential

So many people want their spiritual fires lit up. They know there is more than what they have and they want more. They say revival starts with you. I heard someone say, “Draw a circle around yourself and then pray for everyone in the circle to be revived.” Then there’s always that person who says, “Why don’t we have tent revivals anymore?” That’s like saying why don’t we have wall phones anymore (if you have a wall phone no offense).


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