Columns & Opinions

It’s not a lazy river

It’s not a lazy river

I’ve been watching a lot of baseball on television this spring and summer. I only get to watch what is being broadcast on Amazon Prime Video but I catch a couple of games a week. It’s been therapeutic. Just checking out, sitting on the big brown couch and watching the boys of summer do what they do.

‘Who’s your Daddy?’

‘Who’s your Daddy?’

“Who’s your Daddy?” The question still gets giggles at our house. “Who’s your daddy?” The question is asked rhetorically by the younger generation as a way of asking: “Who’s your friend?” or “Who’s the winner?” or “Who’s the boss of you?” or “Who’s your better?”

First town hall down, more to come

First town hall down, more to come

Monday evening in Milano we held the first of our Town Hall meetings. During the campaign, I made one promise and that was to serve as County Judge in a manner my grandfather referred to as open stewardship. That means serving as openly, as honestly and as transparently as possible. To accomplish true open stewardship, we wanted to have at least three forms of open communication with folks.


Rockdale Reporter

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