Columns & Opinions

‘I know suffering and have come to deliver’

‘I know suffering and have come to deliver’

The central saving act of God in the Hebrew Bible is the deliverance of Abraham’s children from slavery in Egypt—the Exodus. In scripture’s prelude to this mighty act is one of the tenderest, most assuring texts of the entire Bible: Then the LORD said, “I have seen the affliction of my people, and have heard their cry; I know their sufferings, and I have come…” (Exodus 3) I recently recognized a charity known as #Stand-UpToJewishHate. You may have seen their symbol on sites such as Instagram. It is a simple blue square. The website notes: “The Jewish population makes up only 2.4% of the U.S. population, yet Jews face 55% of all religious hate crimes, according to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.” Is this something that should draw our attention?

Jesus is not far away

Jesus is not far away

In Mark 4 Jesus gets into a boat with His squad and says, “Let us go across to the other side (of the Sea of Galilee).” That sounds good but then an epic storm comes up. The winds are described as a “hurricane” type force and the boat starts to fill up with water. The men in the boat, the disciples, feared for their lives and some were experienced boatmen. In other words, this was not their first rodeo. They were in a crisis; a storm was between them and getting to where Jesus said they were going. Sound familiar?


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