Milam gets extra vaccine doses from Bell County
Thursday the county made arrangements with Bell County to receive 1,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, Milam County Judge Steve Young said in his daily email.
"We will pick up the doses early next week and start administering the drug. At this point we plan to use 500 doses for first round shots and 500 doses for second round. This is a wonderful opportunity to get more Milam County residents vaccinated. We do not yet know what our state allocation will be for next week, but this will be in addition to the forthcoming doses," he said. "We thank our Emergency Management Coordinator Bryan Burns who was instrumental in getting the vaccine and Bell County Judge Dave Blackburn and his medical staff for providing these drugs. The big issue for us now is to get the necessary volunteers to get the vaccine administered, but we can and must get this done."
The Milam County Health Department under the direction of Robert Kirkpatrick and all of the volunteers vaccinated 450 individuals. In fact, the clinic ran from 9 a.m. until after 7 p.m. to get all of the vaccinations completed. There were 235 first round shots given and 215 second round shots given.
Today there is another clinic where the county hopes to administer 400 doses. Please arrive at your scheduled time with your consent forms completed.
Download the consent forms, complete it and bring it to the clinic. This will save about 20 minutes. If you bring a completed form to the clinic there is no need to arrive ahead of your scheduled.
"We are scheduling people to avoid a large crowd and the potential spread of the virus," Young said.
a. First Round Consent Forms:
b. Second Round Consent Forms:
We have a new mandate from the state, which now allows for those ages 50-64 to get vaccinated, effective March 15, 2021. Therefore, we encourage this new group, referred to as 1C to call and get on the vaccination list. Remember educators and child care workers are now eligible to get on the list as well.
Wednesday the county tested 13 people in Milano with two positive results. Today's testing is in Cameron at the Cameron VFD from 8 a.m. until noon. Milam County residents with COVID symptoms can come by for a free antigen test. So far, the county has tested 3,228 individuals with 956 positive infections which is a 29% positivity rate.
COVID countywide numbers:
1,360 total PCR cases – up 4
14 active PCR cases – up 2
0 open PCR cases
1,041 antigen cases – no change
7 active antigen cases – down 3
0 open antigen cases
21 total active cases in Milam County – down 1
2 hospitalized – no change
183 total hospitalized since the pandemic began – no change
0 on ventilators – down 1
42 fatalities – no change