From County Judge Steve Young Wednesday night:

I am happy to report we only had one new confirmed PCR test and two probable cases in Milam County today.  Eight persons were discharged and no one was admitted to the hospital.  Wednesday, we tested eight individuals in Milano with one positive. Thursday.  we will test at the Cameron Fire Station from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.  If you are a Milam County resident with symptoms, come see us.


Milam County cases:


1.            Confirmed PCR cases 510 up 1

2.            Confirmed active PCR cases 4 down 5

3.            Confirmed probable (antigen) cases 62 up 2

4.            Confirmed probable active cases 13 up 2

5.            Monitored individuals 77 up 8

6.            Hospitalized 50 with 1 currently hospitalized

7.            Fatalities 7- no change

Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567