Request for Qualifications
Request for Qualifications
City Master Plan Services
“Rockdale, Mid-Century”
The City of Rockdale and the Rockdale Municipal Development District are releasing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from interested and qualified consulting planning firms for professional planning services to assist the City in the creation of a Community Vision, preparation and provision of a City Master Plan which will include a review and update of the existing City Comprehensive Plan and related planning documents, a Growth and Land Use Plan, Parks Master Plan, and City Utility Assessment. The City wishes to create a governing document and policy framework for intelligent growth over a 30-year period where Rockdale retains its community character.
Please carefully review this RFQ for a detailed scope of work, submission instructions, review and award procedures, and implementation schedule.
Request for Qualifications Due: Monday, September 12, 2022, by 2:00PM
Four (4) Copies of Submittals shall be delivered to:
James P. Gibson, CEcD MEDP
Economic Development Director
Rockdale Municipal Development District
Rockdale Parks Master Plan RFQ
134 N. Main Street
Rockdale, TX 76567