Request for Qualifications

From the City of Rockdale and the Rockdale MDD

Request for Qualifications


City Master Plan Services


“Rockdale, Mid-Century”




The City of Rockdale and the Rockdale Municipal Development District are releasing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from interested and qualified consulting planning firms for professional planning services to assist the City in the creation of a Community Vision, preparation and provision of a City Master Plan which will include a review and update of the existing City Comprehensive Plan and related planning documents, a Growth and Land Use Plan, Parks Master Plan, and City Utility Assessment.  The City wishes to create a governing document and policy framework for intelligent growth over a 30-year period where Rockdale retains its community character.


Please carefully review this RFQ for a detailed scope of work, submission instructions, review and award procedures, and implementation schedule.


Request for Qualifications Due: Monday, September 12, 2022, by 2:00PM


Four (4) Copies of Submittals shall be delivered to:


James P. Gibson, CEcD MEDP

Economic Development Director

Rockdale Municipal Development District

Rockdale Parks Master Plan RFQ

134 N. Main Street

Rockdale, TX  76567

Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567