Time is right to sign up for COVID-19 vaccinations
There has not been a better time to get on the vaccination list, urged County Judge Steve Young in his daily email.
“We will vaccinate almost 1,100 individuals this week and this will deplete our waiting list. If you get on the list now, you could get vaccinated as early as next Tuesday,” he said.
There will be two clinics this week in Rockdale at the former Rockdale Medical Clinic located at 1700 Brazos. On Thursday, the county plans to vaccinate about 500 individuals with the Pfizer vaccine. On Friday, the plan is to vaccinate about 500 individuals with the Moderna vaccine.
“Next week we have the military coming in to assist on Tuesday. We will run a 300 dose clinic at the former Rockdale Medical Clinic administering the Moderna vaccine,” he said. “We will also run a second round Moderna clinic later next week as we have about 400 individuals that are due for second round shots. Everyone that is to be vaccinated, will be contacted by phone and advised of the date and time of their shot."
To get on the county’s waiting list. Call 254-697-7000 and give your name, phone number and email address. You may also email Amy Guillen at aguillen@milamcounty.net .
Monday the county tested 13 individuals in Rockdale with one positive result.
“We will not test the rest of the week as we will use those testing to help with vaccinations,” the judge said.
So far, the county has tested 3,243 individuals with 957 positive infections which is a 29% positivity rate.
THE NUMBERS—COVID-19 cases this week have been measured Wednesday to Tuesday.
• Cumulative cases – 1,363, up 8 from 1,355.
• Active cases (PCR test) – 9, down 5 from 14.
• Confirmed (antigen) cases – 1,046 , down 7 from 1,039.
• Hospitalized – 2, down from 4.
• Deaths – 42, no change.