There's free drive-through COVID-19 testing set for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday (April 29) at the Milano VFD Fire Station.
And retail businesses—following guidelines issued by Gov. Greg Abbott—can re-open today (Friday, April 24) in a limited way as drive-up or delivery establishments.
TESTING—County Judge Steve Young said the COVID-19 testing will be limited to 60 persons and won't be for everyone. Test will be a nasal swab.
To participate call 512 883 2400 or go on line at https://txcovidtest.org/ to register.
"They will screen you over the phone, ask you questions about any symptoms and only if they think you are at-risk will they give you a number and information about showing up for the test," he said.
Results are supposed to be received within 48 hours.
BUSINESSES—As of Friday, going to some Texas businesses will be a lot like going to restaurants has been for the past month.
Gov. Abbott's order specifies customers cannot come inside the business but customers may order items online or by phone and items will be delivered or brought to the vehicle. Employees must wear masks.
It is not the end of Shelter-in-Place or social distancing.
Business owners are encouraged to use social media and all available technologies to interact with potential customers.
The Rockdale Municipal Development District (MDD), City of Rockdale and Chamber of Commerce will assist businesses with those endeavors. For assistance contact the MDD at info@rockdalemdd.org.
Gov. Abbott is expected to address further "re-opening" measures in an address to the state on Monday. Judge Young said Milam County will adjust its policies to be in-line with the governor's.