Two Milam County soldiers have completed a Master Leader Course (Master Sergeant E-8 training course) at Fort Hood. Frank Konarik (L) is formerly of Rockdale and Richard Strelsky is formerly of Milano. The intense 14-day course included physical training, joint operations, leadership, public speaking and Case Study Research. Konarik is a 1997 Rockdale High School graduate and son of Phil and Debbie Konarik of Rockdale. (They attended the graduation ceremony.) After serving 12-plus years on active duty Konarik continues his service with the Texas National Guard at Camp Mabry in Austin with the Inspector’s General’s Staff. Strelsky is a 2000 graduate of Milano High School and son of Derik Strelsky of Rockdale and Pam and Odis Courtney of Gause. Following his 15-plus years of active duty, Strelsky continues service with the Texas National Guard and is currently Recruiting and Retention NCOIC in East Texas.