Milam site of fabled village
One of the most fabled Native American settlements attributed to Texas is a fable no more. I t was real and it was located in what is now eastern Milam
One of the most fabled Native American settlements attributed to Texas is a fable no more. I t was real and it was located in what is now eastern Milam
t is getting to be fund-raiser time for Milano organizations. MVFD—The Milano Volunteer Fire Department will host its annual chili supper on Feb. 15 at the fire department on Highway
ince the S uper Bowl is coming up I ’m sharing a couple of good recipes that are great for game day that are a little different from the usual
Gause I S D will have a basketball tournament in Temple Friday and S aturday. Check with the school for times. Then on Monday, there will be games here with
corsi offeredatTylorSPJST Central Texas Pickers will hold a scholarship jam session on S unday, Feb. 9 from 4 -8 p.m. at the Taylor S PJ T Hall. There will be
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567