team, directed by Gabrieale Boriack, made their final appearance of the 2019 football season Friday at Belton High School during the Rockdale-Grandview bi-district playoff game. From left: Vanessa Gonzales-Reyes, Heather
team, directed by Gabrieale Boriack, made their final appearance of the 2019 football season Friday at Belton High School during the Rockdale-Grandview bi-district playoff game. From left: Vanessa Gonzales-Reyes, Heather
The last year of high school can be a year filled with excitement, nervousness and reflection. This week RHS Principal Tiffany Whitsel has some important points for students during their
Monday—Potato crusted fish, mashed potatoes with green beans, wheat bread, peaches, milk. Tuesday—Barbecue chicken, vegetable Normandy, macaroni and cheese, wheat bread, Mandarin oranges, milk. Wednesday—Pork roast, baked sweet potatoes, turnip
Wanda and Al Coats and family celebrated the wedding of great-grandson and wife, Tera and Hayden Rasco, Saturday evening at Arledge Ranch, north of Gause. A reception followed at Beaver
The Milano Senior Citizens annual fundraiser will be held at 7 p.m. Saturday at the Milano Civic Center (120 W Avenue E). Kimberlee Leber, a Texas Gospel Blues singer and
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567