Rockdale Fair youth livestock show results
Note: Books on the Rock-dale Fair Livestock Show and Auction do not close until the Wednesday after the fair, well past The Reporter deadline. Names of buyers and totals for
Note: Books on the Rock-dale Fair Livestock Show and Auction do not close until the Wednesday after the fair, well past The Reporter deadline. Names of buyers and totals for
South Milam County fire calls dispatched through the Rockdale Police Department during the past week were listed as follows: • 2:33 p.m. Friday, grass fire 600 block of County road
Both drivers were hurt in an accident last Wednesday on US 77 north of the County Road 312 intersection south of Rockdale, according to the Department of Public Safety. The
Here is the Milam County Jail Log for Oct. 15-21. Jail logs list all persons charged with offenses through the county jail docket. Charges may change during the process. Persons
Calls for the Milam County Sheriff’s Department during the past week included the following: Oct. 15—Information, Gause; information, Davilla area; vehicle repo, CR 217, Cameron area; property crimes, CR 355
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567