119 roofing jobs boost permits
With 119 roofing projects beginning since May, following a spring hailstorm, in the Rockdale city limits, building permits for the first two-thirds of the year now stand at $2,630,579.
With 119 roofing projects beginning since May, following a spring hailstorm, in the Rockdale city limits, building permits for the first two-thirds of the year now stand at $2,630,579.
Milam County 4-H enrollment is underway and a new list of activities has been posted. The 2019 Texas 4-H Rabbit Extravaganza competition registration deadline is Sept. 10.
CANADIAN – The 2019 Mini Ag Conference on Cow/Calf and Stocker Cattle Nutrition will be hosted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service office in Hemphill County on Sept. 9 at the Hemphill County Exhibition Center, 10865 Exhibition Road, Canadian.
RHS Big Blue Band’s first performance of the 2019-20 season was last Friday duringm halftime of the Tiger’s 48-24 victory over Giddings at Tiger Stadium. They debuted their halftime show “Heart” by composer Randall D. Standridge.
Remember Gause CIP Founders Day is Sept. 14 at the Gause community picninc tables.
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567