
ESD town halls

Town hall meetings will be held to discuss creating an Emergency Services District (ESD) in Milam County. This imitative was put on the May 7 ballot earlier this year but was not done correctly and canceled. It will hopefully appear on the November ballot this year.

There’s a new street in town
There’s a new street in town

There’s a new street in town

East Seventh Avenue will now be known as Gertrude Calvin Hardway Street after a renaming ceremony took place on Saturday. Mrs. Hardway, who is 103 years young, has lived most of her life on East Seventh Street after being born in Liberty Hill on Feb. 6, 1920. Her family members petitioned the city council to rename the street in her honor. Mrs. Hardway has five children, 18 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren.


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567