
	Satisfied and free

Satisfied and free

My favorite barista (our youngest son Jack) drove an old red Jeep with square headlights while he was in high school and college. When you got it up to 60 mph you felt like you were landing the space shuttle. It shook like an earth reentry. Very fun to drive. I saw an old Jeep like that the other day with a little trailer behind it that was loaded with firewood. There is no doubt that God created the Jeep. It’s the original SUV and it was made to do things like that. High five to that guy for using it for what God intended because most of us never even put ours in four-wheel drive! I remember years ago when I got on Instagram. I did it for the most part because the Blonde and the first-year teacher (youngest daughter Klaire) were on it and were constantly saying, “Didn’t you see that? I think it was on Instagram.”


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567