
The language of unconditional love

The language of unconditional love

The eleventh chapter of Genesis opens with the words, “Now the whole earth had one language.” Because of this, God says, “Nothing they propose to do will be impossible for them.” Then the story of the tower of Babel is told in which God confuses the languages of humankind and scatters them across the earth.

Possession perspective

Possession perspective

Ifollow this fairly wellknown pastor on Instagram. He’s a youngish guy with a great story. He serves at a larger church, has written a book and gets asked to speak at big conferences. He’s the real deal. But I also see what looks like a nod to “worldliness (1st John 2:15).”


Calls for the Milam County Sheriff’s Department during the past week included: Oct. 11—Motorist assist, FM 2095, Cameron area; medical call, CR 106, Buckholts area; suspicious activity, FM 487, Davilla area; disturbance, CR 443; suspicious activity, CR 441; stolen vehicle, Rockdale West Road, Rockdale; information, FM 908; mental health, Jefferson Avenue, Cameron; information, Sierra Drive, Rockdale; disturbance, FM 3242; theft, South FM 908; civil matter, FM 908; welfare check, CR 280; assist other agency, West 4th Street, Cameron; property crimes, CR 414, Thorndale area; assault, East US 77, Gause.


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567