School supplies tax holiday set for Friday-Saturday-Sunday
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar is reminding shoppers they can save money on clothes and school supplies during the state’s sales tax holiday on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar is reminding shoppers they can save money on clothes and school supplies during the state’s sales tax holiday on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
CAMERON—St. Monica’s Catholic Church will hold its Homecoming Festival on Sunday, Aug. 21, beginning with a polka mass at 9 a.m. featuring the Jodie Mikula Orchestra.
Alpha One Chevrolet Buick has a new general manager and it’s none other than 34-year employee and fourth-generation Rockdale native Lee Jenkins.
The City of Rockdale announced that the city pool will be open through Sunday, Aug. 14.
THAT’S NOT SANTA—Rockdale’s favorite Santa carver, John Shoemake, strayed from his Santa carvings to make a special wooden sculpture of his friend Jerry Cass. At 79, Cass is still tie-down roping in the Texas Senior Pro Rodeo Association (TSPRA) which he has been doing his whole life, and the carving depicts Cass in his rodeo gear with rope. Shoemake has been woodworking for over 40 years. He carves a special Santa for St. John’s Methodist Church’s Lord’s Acre, which is always the most coveted prize and makes the most money in the bidding war which goes on to raise money for the church’s main fundraiser of the year.
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567