I know you will; I know you will. Amen.
Thu, 10/21/2021 - 12:00am
Many years ago, our granddaughter, four years old at the time, was spending a few days with us. She had brought her favorite possession, a Beanie Baby stuffed animal kitten she had named Prince.
Take inventory of life
Thu, 10/21/2021 - 12:00am
Proverbs 4:23 tells us, “Be very careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your life.” In Proverbs 23:7 we are told, “As a man thinks, so he is.” And still the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:8 for us to, “Think about what is good and worthy of praise. Think about what is true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected.” Not only that but in Ephesians 5:20 we are told to “always be thankful.”