Rockdale adding Code Red to emergency notifications
Many Rockdale residents have noticed that around 6 p.m. every day there is no sound of sirens going off and there hasn’t been since the winter season.
Many Rockdale residents have noticed that around 6 p.m. every day there is no sound of sirens going off and there hasn’t been since the winter season.
After months of no director, litigation and an interim director, the MDD board of directors announced Monday at a meeting it has named a new director who will start work July 6.
Editor’s note: This is another in The Reporter’s occasional series of day trips two hours or less from Rockdale:
Photo left and bottom left: The annual Texas A&M Agri-Life Extension crop tour was last Friday with discussions on corn and grain sorghum, replicated agronomic cotton evaluation trials and inte
Milam County commissioners voted to create reinvestment zones and to adopt tax abatements for four proposed solar energy projects around the county Monday after a public hearing on the matter in th
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567