Towns to receive funds for infrastructure improvements
AUSTIN—Texas Land Commissioner George P.
AUSTIN—Texas Land Commissioner George P.
Green Street will be closed to thru traffic between Thrall and Hamilton streets for water line repairs on May 20, 2021 until approximately 6 p.m.
Rockdale ISD trustees named Cody Dudley as the district’s new maintenance director at the May 17 regular board meeting.
The Rockdale Fair Association plans a “rumble in the park” when it brings a truck and tractor pull to Rockdale Fair Park on June 11-12.
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar recently revised the Biennial Revenue Estimate and projects 2020-21 revenue for general-purpose spending to be $113.88 billion and the ending balance in General Revenue-Related funds to be $725 million, an increase of $1.67 billion from the negative balance projected in the January 2021 BRE.
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567