Milam County courthouse records for Feb. 11 through March 2. Compiled from public records available at milam.
Milam County courthouse records for Feb. 11 through March 2. Compiled from public records available at milam.
Ready for spring? it is certainly a beautiful Monday morning. But you know the saying, “Spring showers bring May flowers.” So, I guess we are going to have to have some showers. That’s fine, as long as they are not so bad we loose electricity.
Milano High School’s One Act Play cast and crew are advancing to bi-district. The company was one of two advancing plays from District 27-2A competition held last week at the Cultural Activities Center in Temple. The group will next compete on March 22 in Bastrop. They are performing “Lafayette No. 1.”
I remember when our oldest grandson, Kaleb, turned 13 and we got him a Texas Ranger hoodie. He was living in Philadelphia at the time while his dad finished his seminary degree. Kaleb loves the Rangers and is a baseball fanatic like his dad and his Uncle Jack, my favorite barista. Obviously we landed this gift. Kaleb sent pictures, and I’m pretty sure never took the hoodie off except for showers.
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567