
Advent Giving

Advent Giving

As part of the church’s yearly Advent Giving, the parishioners of St. Joseph Catholic Church collected lap blankets, body wash and plastic containers to be donated to the Rockdale Rehabilitation Center. Father Pedro Castillo, the pastor at St. Joseph’s, shows off the more than 50 sets of items that were collected. Submitted photo

Thorndale gets COVID-19 update

Thorndale ISD nurse Sara Sanders told the board of trustees about updated COVID quarantine statistics and discussed the new guidelines that changed the quarantine period from 14 days to 10 days at the district’s Dec. 16 meeting in the administration building. She said that there had still not been any documented student-to-student transmission which goes along with the statement made by the CDC director last month.


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567