Noting “we’re just as disappointed as they are,” Supt. Dr. Denise Monzingo told The Reporter Saturday the Rockdale ISD plans to stage “mini-graduations” across several days for graduating RHS seniors and their parents and cap if off with a “stay in your vehicles” parade on graduation night, May 29.
Traditional graduations won’t be held in Texas this May or June, of course, due to the COVID-19 situation.
Dr. Monzingo said the RISD plans in early May to assign times and dates for senior candidates to come to Tiger Stadium with their parents to receive diplomas, then visit “stations” around the field where photos and videos will be taken in front of different backgrounds. Those will be compiled and given to the graduate.
The schedule for those mini-graduations will be published in the next Rockdale Reporter.
Dr. Monzingo said names will still be announced over the stadium loudspeaker. “We are trying to make this as much like the ‘real’ graduation as possible,” she said.
During the graduation evening parade, plans are to have photos and names of the graduating seniors along Murray Avenue.
Dr. Monzingo said it is possible that in July—assuming COVID-19 restrictions have been eased—the Class of 2020 could be invited to a “one more time” get-together.
She said end-of-school events, including banquets and awards ceremonies, will be live on social media.
MILANO—Supt. Robert Westbrook said Milano ISD is thinking about several graduation options including an outside ceremony that utilizes social distancing. He noted as of this weekend the state is not permitting gatherings for commencement ceremonies.
“We do want to recognize our students and are working on a plan to do so,” he said.
THORNDALE—The Thorndale ISD also plans to recognize graduating students in some way, according to Supt. Adam Ivy.
He said potential ideas include a vehicle parade, starting on the school campus and winding around town with no one leaving their vehicles.
An online slide show is another possibility. “We are looking for some guidance from the state,” Ivy said.