Syncs Milam with statewide orders announced by governor

On Thursday Milam County Commissioners Court held an emergency session to consider the issue of implementing a new shelter in place order for the county. A new order was passed, which goes into effect at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, May 1. The new order coincides with that of Governor Abbott’s executive order of April 27.  Below is a summary of the requirements of the new order:


1.  Shelter in place is still mandatory. Strongly encourages people over 65 to stay home as much as possible; to maintain appropriate distance from any member of the household who has been out of the residence in the previous 14 days; and, if leaving home, to implement social distancing and to practice good hygiene, environmental cleanliness, and sanitation. Public gatherings, such as wedding, etc. are still prohibited.

2.  Face masks: everyone is urged to wear a face mask in public. This is not mandatory and should they be made mandatory, there can be no penalty.

3.  Rest homes: Continues the prohibition on people visiting nursing homes, state supported living centers, assisted living centers, or long-term care facilities.

4.  Religious services: Unchanged

a.   “Houses of worship should conduct their services remotely as possible.

b.  If not possible, such as not having internet service, then they may be conducted in person.



5.  Retail services:

a.  Retail services may be provided by pickup, delivery by mail, or delivery to the customers doorstep.

b.  In store retail is now allowed, but only for 25% of the total listed occupancy of the establishment.



6.  Restaurants:

a.  Dine In: for those restaurants that have less than 51% of their gross revenue from the sale of alcoholic beverages, can open for up to 25% of their total listed capacity.

b.  This only applies to restaurants that have less than 51% of their gross revenue from the sale of alcoholic beverages.

c.  The following additional requirements are mandatory for those that open:

                                        i.   Make hand sanitizer available to patrons as they enter the restaurant.

                                       ii.   Condiments, silverware, glasses not to be left on unused tables

                                     iii.   Condiments provided upon request only- single use only

                                     iv.   Disposable menus – one use by one customer

                                      v.   If buffet is available, food must be served by an employee

                                     vi.   No table with more than 6 people

                                    vii.   Face masks for employees (recommended)

                                  viii.   Wear a face mask when not at the table (recommended)

7.  Museums & libraries:

a.  Can open for up to 25% of the listed capacity

b.  Interactive functions, exhibits and child play area will remain closed

c.  Rockdale and Cameron libraries will now be allowed to open

d.  Museums in the County will now be allowed to open

8.  Services provided by an individual working alone in an office are allowed

9.  Golf course operations:

a.  Golf courses may reopen:

                                        i.   One person per golf cart

                                       ii.   Sanitize golf carts after each use

                                     iii.   Ensure 6 feet separation between golfers

                                     iv.   Clean and disinfect driving range golf balls between each use

b.  Golf course restaurants will be subject to the guidelines of other restaurants

10.               Outdoor sports:

a.  Hunting, fishing, jogging or riding a bicycle are ok

                                        i.   Must maintain social distance

                                       ii.   No more than four may participant in a sport at any time

                                     iii.   No swimming

11.               Remain Closed:

a.  Bars

b.  Gyms

c.  Swimming pools

d.  Hair & nail salons

e.  Massage establishments

f.    Tattoo studios

g.  Piercing studios

12.               Local governments:

a.  Local government operations regarding permitting, recordation and document filing may open.

b.  Milam County will continue to operate as is, which is mostly by appointment.

c.  Tax Assessor’s office will make appointments by phone to change a car title. To transfer a car title call ahead for an appointment. 

                                        i.   254 697 7000.

d.  Vehicle registration and title transfers – 60 day waiver after the disaster is declared over. Still in effect.

e.  Rockdale Tax Assessor’s office is closed in Rockdale

13.               Courts:

a.  Courts are closed for any in person hearing or trial until at least June 1, 2020

b.  We will do anything we can by video or phone conferencing, such as probate hearings, guardianship hearing, bond hearings, etc.

c.  Evictions are prohibited until May 25, 2020

Child Custody Orders: Not affected by the new Executive orders. 


The entire order is posted on the Milam County web page at:

Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567