From County Judge Steve Young Friday night:

Friday we had three new PCR cases to report and four new probable (antigen) cases to report.  We have no new hospital admissions or discharges to report.  Twelve individuals were tested in Buckholts today with three positive tests.  We will test in Rockdale at the Hospital on Monday, beginning at 8:00 a.m.


Milam County cases:


  1. Confirmed PCR cases 498 up 3
  2. Active PCR cases 14 down 3
  3. Probable (antigen) cases 57 – up 4
    1. Active antigen cases 10 – up 3
  4. Monitored individuals 57 – up 4
  5. Hospitalized individuals 3 – no change.  Two individuals are in serious condition.
  6. Deaths 6 – no change

Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567