Testing continues in the county
There were 56 people tested in Milano with 24 positive results Wednesday. Our testing program has tested 2,287 Milam County residents with 616 positive results for a 27% positivity rate. The plan now is to continue testing until March.
We did have one person hospitalized.
Milam County Cases as of Wednesday, January 6, 2021:
1. Confirmed PCR cases 936 – up 1
2. Confirmed active PCR cases 66 – up 1
3. Confirmed probable (antigen) cases 641
4. Confirmed active probable cases 87
5. Total confirmed cases in Milam County 153
6. Currently monitored individuals 267
7. Hospitalizations 18 – up 1
a. 5 persons on ventilators – no change
b. Cumulative hospitalizations since the pandemic started 118 – up 1
8. Deaths 14 – no change