Another COVID-19 death in Milam County

There has been another death in Milam County due to COVID-19. This is the third death in just one week.

"One of these individuals was young and one was old," County Judge Steve Young said in an email. "This virus does not care how old you are or what sex you are. Some have a mild case, some go to the hospital for literally months and some die. Again, please do you part to protect yourself and your fellow man. Wear a mask, keep you distance, wash your hands and above all, get vaccinated. The vaccine is safe and 95% effective. It is a miracle that we have it this soon and it provides us with true hope of defeating this worsening menace."

Next week will be the seventh week since vaccine distribution began. Texas will get 332,856 doses and Milam County will get 300 of those doses. At least 300 people will be vaccinated at the former Cameron hospital located at 806 N. Crocket on  Jan. 28 from 9 a.m. to 3: p.m. The county will call the top 300 people on the waiting list for the shots. If you are called, please go to our web site: and download the three required consent forms: COVID-19 consent form; Adult Immtrac consent form; and Immtrac 3 Immunization Registry Retention Consent form; complete the forms and bring the completed forms to the vaccination clinic. This will save a lot of time. There will be forms at the vaccination site for those who don't have access to printers.

"During the week of February 1, 2021, we hope to vaccinate many more people. We don’t know what our allotment will be, but it could be as much as 600 doses. Whatever we get, we will use it and vaccinate. We thank Sarah Goeres and Brookshire Brothers for partnering to create the first Milam County public/private COVID-19 vaccination clinic. This will be done during the week of February 1, 2021 in Rockdale," Young said.

Current numbers:


1126 total PCR cases

58 active PCR cases

3 open PCR cases

774 antigen cases

20 active antigen cases –

0 open antigen cases – down 6

Total active and open cases in Milam County – 81 – down 5

14 hospitalized- down 1

3 on ventilators

21 fatalities – up 1 (18 in 2020, 3 in 2021)

Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567