Bell giving Milam County extra doses of vaccine

Those ages 50 to 64 can now sign up to be vaccinated

Milam County has made arrangements with Bell County to receive 1,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine. We will pick up the doses early next week and start administering the drug. At this point we plan to use 500 doses for first round shots and 500 doses for second round.

"This is a wonderful opportunity to get more Milam County residents vaccinated. We do not yet know what our state allocation will be for next week, but this will be in addition to the forthcoming doses," County Judge Steve Young said in his daily email. "We thank our Emergency Management Coordinator Bryan Burns who was instrumental in getting the vaccine and Bell County Judge Dave Blackburn and his medical staff for providing these drugs. The big issue for us now is to get the necessary volunteers to get the vaccine administered, but we can and must get this done."

Also a mandate from the state said that those ages 50 - 64 are eligible to get vaccinated, effective March 15, 2021. Therefore, those in the added age group are encouraged, referred to as 1C, to call and get on the vaccination waiting list. 

There are 1,591 people on the county waiting list. The numbers are coming down, because we are getting drugs and getting people vaccinated. 

"More drugs are coming and we will eventually get everyone in this county a shot. We can assure everyone that we do and will have enough vaccine for all second round shots. If you are in group 1A, IB, IC or you are a teacher, administrator or child-care worker," Young said.

To get on the county list call 254-697-7000 or email Amy Guillen at and get on the list. When your turn comes, someone from the county will call and schedule your appointment.


Other Vaccinators:

There are a lot of places where one can get vaccinated. Get on every list you can and take the first available shot. Below is a list of a few other places.

Rockdale Wal-Mart: Registration and consent forms may be completed on line.

Brookshire Brothers in Rockdale.

Veterans can call any VA hospital and schedule an appointment.

McLennan County has a mass vaccination clinic underway. One can register online at

Brazos County also has a mass clinic underway. One can register online at

CVS is now vaccinating in certain areas. Learn more at:

The county tested 13 people in Milano with two positive results. The county will test in Cameron on Friday at the Cameron VFD from 8 a.m. until noon. If you are a Milam County resident with COVID symptoms, you can get a free antigen test.  So far, we have tested 3,228 individuals with 956 positive infections which is a 29% positivity rate.

COVID countywide numbers: 

1,356 total PCR cases – up 1

12 active PCR cases – down 2

0 open PCR cases

1,041 antigen cases-up 2

10 active antigen cases – no change

0 open antigen cases

Total active cases in Milam County 22 – down 2

2 hospitalized – down 2

0 on ventilators – down 1

42 fatalities – no change

Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567