County to begin giving shots to homebound
The county will start accepting vaccination requests for Milam County residents who are homebound. If you know someone that is not able to get out and get a shot, please let them know to call and/or call us for them to get on the homebound shot list.
The county will provide this new service in conjunction with the military, Milam County Judge Young said.
“We will compile a list of those who are homebound and then begin giving shots at their residence in the next couple of weeks,” he said.
Call 254-697-7000 or email Amy Guillen at
On Thursday, the county will administer over 500 Moderna second round shots at the former Rockdale Medical clinic, located at 1700 Brazos in Rockdale. Those to be vaccinated are being contacted and advised of their appointment time.
“You will be proud to know that since we began vaccinating, Milam County has administered a total of 6,272 shots; 4,348 first round and 1,924 second round shots! We have held clinics almost every week since January 1, 2021 and we have only just begun,” Young said. “If you had not gotten a shot, please get one. The vaccine is safe, effective and virtually painless. It is the light at the end of the tunnel. New studies show that it not only protects from getting the virus, but it helps prevent the spread of the virus. Not one person has died from the shot, but over 540,000 Americans have died from the virus.”
Brookshire Brothers in Rockdale received 100 doses of Johnson & Johnson on Tuesday. Most recently Brookshire Brothers has administered over 100 first round shots of Moderna and about 60 second round shots.
The county's next testing will be in Rockdale on Monday, April 12, 2021 from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Current COVID-19 cases in Milam County as of 7:00 p.m., Tuesday April 5, 2021:
THE NUMBERS—COVID-19 cases this week have been measured Wednesday to Tuesday.
• Cumulative cases – 1,393, up 6 from 1,387.
• Active cases (PCR test) – 8, down 1 from 9.
• Confirmed (antigen) cases – 1,077, up 15 from 1,062.
• Hospitalized – 3 last week, up 1 from 2.
Deaths – 46 last week, up 1.