Milam County reports its 73 COVID death

From Milam County Judge Steve Young

Ladies & Gentlemen:

 Tonight we report our 73rd Milam County resident who has died due to COVID-19.  Please encourage vaccinations.

 We have 7 new cases to report and we discharged 9 cases, leaving us with 32 confirmed cases in Milam County.


Current Numbers:

2040 total cases

13 active cases (minus 3)


1609 Probable cases (Antigen detected test results, not included in total case count)

19 Active cases (plus 1)


32 confirmed, active COVID cases in Milam County.


328 total hospitalized

9 currently hospitalized (minus 1)

73 fatalities (plus 1)


Six (6) individual(s) hospitalized is in serious condition (vents)


17 Total doses administered

9 Moderna: 1 - first, 8 - second, & 0 - additional doses

8 Pfizer: 1 - first & 7 - second doses

4 Students: 0 - first & 4 - second doses


Vaccine Clinics:

Friday, Oct 1, 2021

Gause United Methodist Church

204 W. Walnut, Gause, Tx

9am - 3pm

Pfizer age 12 and up & Moderna age 18 and up



Variants: no change

8 - Delta and 3 - Alpha variants identified.


98% of all confirmed case are being identified as the Delta variant.

Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567