Columns & Opinions


Dear editor, The saying, “it takes a village,” has been used so much in recent years, that perhaps it has become cliché, losing some of its profound truth. Virtually all of life reminds us that we live in community and in relationship with all that is around us. Therefore, a fair share of healthy skepticism is prudent when confronted with those who take a more individualistic approach in addressing the challenges which we confront.

Make me like Joe! Make me like Joe!

Make me like Joe! Make me like Joe!

Joe was a drunk who was miraculously converted at The Bowery Mission. A word about the Bowery and the Mission: Once a place of residences for the rich and famous of lower Manhattan, in the late 19th century the Bowery slid to become New York’s notorious area of prostitution, saloons, brothels, cheap merchandise, poverty and the flop houses that came with it.


Rockdale Reporter

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