Columns & Opinions

He was not one of us

He was not one of us

The ninth chapter of the Gospel of Mark tells of an exorcist who was not a follower of Jesus, but he does a deed of power in Jesus’ name. Later that day, the disciple John tells Jesus, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not one of us.” Not one of us.

Be compassionate

Be compassionate

Iwas reminded recently of the time several years ago when a man came by the church office and asked if we could help him with some gas for his car. The church secretary who handled the benevolence ministry gave him a voucher that was good for $15 down at the local fuel stop.


Study-abroad programs on the rise Af ter two years of declining enrollment that was undoubtedly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, study-abroad programs are regaining their popularity.


Rockdale Reporter

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