Columns & Opinions

Milam County news and updates

Milam County news and updates

Mi lam County Annex—The new Milam County Annex located at 806 N. Crockett in Cameron is now open for business. Almost all county services are available at the annex including the Milam County Clerk, the Milam County Tax Assessor/Collector, the Milam County Treasurer, the Milam County Auditor, the Milam County District Attorney, Emergency Management, Milam County Texas A&M Agri-Life Extension Service, Bea’s Kitchen, Texas Workforce Solutions, Milam County Adult and Juvenile Probation and Twin City Services.

Emergency Services District

(Kain Dodd, Chairman of the Milam County ESD, made a presentation at last week’s city council meeting and The Reporter asked him if he would provide the editorial this week about his grassroots efforts to create an Emergency Services District in Milam County to eventually replace the for-profit AMR services. —K.W.C.)

All thorns are woven into a crown

All thorns are woven into a crown

In chapter twelve of Second Corinthians Paul tells us: “A thorn was given me…” What was this thorn? We don’t know. Sometimes Paul was totally disabled by it. The best guesses are that the thorn was epilepsy or migraine headaches or a malarial fever. I tend to believe it may have been sciatica or an aging spine. What exactly the “thorn” was is not that important. A “thorn in the side” is whatever causes you pain or frustration or sadness.

Follow Jesus outside

Follow Jesus outside

pray a lot, it’s what a pastor does. I keep a prayer list and I have columns on my list. I pray for those who are sick physically, sick spiritually, I intercede for my enemies (that list seems to grow all the time), I pray for our president and other leaders around the world. I ask God for help in a variety of other things, I tell Him I’m sorry for my failures, I remind Him He is awesome and I let Him know I am grateful for all that He does. I


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567