Columns & Opinions
Can we fund Emergency Service District?
This week the Commissioners Court, pursuant to the Health and Safety Code, received a petition to create an emergency service district (ESD) for ground and air ambulance services within the county. The Court will conduct a public hearing on August 8 at 10 a.m. at the Milam County Courthouse to give everyone an opportunity to speak for or against the district.
Price spikes
Everyone is feeling pinched these days. Grocery and restaurant prices continue their march upward, and we all feel that pang of regret when we pull up to the gas pump.
Taking it back to Rockdale 100 years ago
Since I’ve been writing the “Looking Back” column I have become fascinated with what life in Rockdale was like 100 years ago in 1922. That’s before television. Air conditioning was invented in 1902 but not widely used until it was perfected in 1933. At this time, Rockdale still had an icehouse and the workers delivered the ice to everyone’s homes.