Columns & Opinions
‘It’s always something’
When the idea came upon me to write on the following topic, my serious side was highjacked by the memory of a comedy sketch I saw long ago. I do hope this column’s faithful readers also share an abandoned sense of humor. The sketch is excerpted from the 1981 film History of the World, Part 1, by Mel Brooks. The scene: Moses is slowly walking down from the summit of Mount Sinai carrying three large, stone tablets. He solemnly addresses the children of Israel gathered at the base of the mountain: “I bring you these fiftee…,” and before he finishes the sentence, one of the tablets falls and shatters on the mountainside. Then Moses awkwardly continues, “…these Ten Commandments!”
A pastor’s heart
I've been thinking a lot lately. I’ve been thinking about what it takes to make disciples. Disciples like we see in Scripture.
Responsibility of public service
Ihad planned to write on another subject this week. The nurse and I spent a very nice Fourth of July with our children in Houston, where three of them currently live, celebrating our anniversary. But Saturday that all changed when reality hit us all as a young man attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump. As the nurse and I watched on with our youngest daughter who happened to be in town for the weekend, we were quickly taken aback by this event.