Columns & Opinions

Milam County is in home stretch on virus

Milam County is in home stretch on virus

After over a year of the deadly COVID-19 virus, we are truly on the home stretch. We now have three safe, effective vaccines that will prevent deaths and serious illness. By the end of the week, approximately 3,500 people in Milam County will have been vaccinated, with almost 2,000 receiving both shots. In addition, there are approximately, 2,500 infected individuals in the county that should have effective antibodies.

Spring forward

We’ve all heard the stories that Daylight Savings Time (DST) is about either farmers or school children. And actually neither of those are true. Farmers hated it at first. The school children walking to school in the dark weren’t really mentioned until the 1970s.


Rockdale Reporter

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Rockdale, TX 76567