Neighbor Grover had bad day at Cabela’s
(An oldie but a goodie from Publisher Emeritus Bill Cooke—and Grover— from April 21, 2016.)
(An oldie but a goodie from Publisher Emeritus Bill Cooke—and Grover— from April 21, 2016.)
The fifth chapter of the book of Acts describes how followers of Jesus were adding many believers because of the signs and wonders being performed and by healing multitudes of people. Because of the apostles’ popularity with the people, the leaders of the temple, filled with envy and jealousy, ordered them imprisoned. Acts tells us: “During the night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors, brought them out, and said, ‘Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this Life.’” The words we speak on God’s behalf can shape our lives and the lives of those among whom we move. As much as your thoughts and feelings influence what you say, what you say can influence how you, and others, think and feel.
Iwas around some medical professionals the other day and the topic of stress came up. One of them asked, “How do you handle stress?” One person in the group went with the Sunday school answer and said, “They prayed the Rosary.” I’m not Catholic so that doesn’t help me.
April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. Of the my r iad of things I get to do as County Judge, one of the most special events so far has been to read my proclamation in support of Child Abuse Awareness on the lawn of the Courthouse. Children who are the victims of abuse, endangerment and neglect are often overlooked by our fast-paced society, but they shouldn’t be.
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567