Her legacy: Triumph over adversity’
Growing up in a small town like Rockdale, invaluable lessons on friendship, teamwork, confidence, perseverance, and accomplishment are available for anyone who wishes to succeed. For 42 years, my grandmother,
Growing up in a small town like Rockdale, invaluable lessons on friendship, teamwork, confidence, perseverance, and accomplishment are available for anyone who wishes to succeed. For 42 years, my grandmother,
Feb. 17—Ken Cooke, Kerri Coffield. Feb. 18—David Svrcek. Anniversaries Feb. 14—Ward and Kathryne Roddam.
The Milano Volunteer Fire Department will host its annual chili supper on Feb. 15 at the fire department on Hwy. 79. Serving will begin at 4:30 p.m. until sold out.
The Rockdale ISD Jazz Band, with Director Adrian Acevedo, were one of many band groups to provide entertainment Monday evening when Rock-dale Band Boosters held their annual spaghetti supper fund
The i-Tigers organization at the Rockdale ISD has been named “Organization in the Spotlight” by the Rockdale Chamber of Commerce. The volunteer group helps out with the Community Easter Egg
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567