Alcoa retirees slate meeting Thursday THORNDALE—The next meeting of Rockdale Alcoa Retirees will be Thursday, June 13 at the Thorndale VFW Hall, according to Doug Williams, organization president. He said
Alcoa retirees slate meeting Thursday THORNDALE—The next meeting of Rockdale Alcoa Retirees will be Thursday, June 13 at the Thorndale VFW Hall, according to Doug Williams, organization president. He said
THE CLASS OF 49—Harry Truman was president and Babe Ruth died during their senior year. These six members of the Rockdale High School Class of 1949 gathered to observe their
The 80th annual Lagrone Family Reunion will be held this Saturday and Sunday at the Noriene Lagrone farm off CR 345. Our family always enjoys this great time to fellowship
CAMERON—The annual Milam County Row Crops tour is set for June 21 beginning at the Texas AgriLife Extension Office in Cameron. It will feature a grain sorghum demonstration plot at
The Rockdale Fair Association bestowed $9,500 in scholarships this spring to graduating Milam County seniors. Scholarships were listed as follows by Sheree Smith of the RFA: • Gracen Dach, $2,000,
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567