Heavenly Treasures Rockdale Christian Services “Heavenly Treasures” thrift store, 233 North Main, serves the needy with gently used clothing and household items at prices from 25 cents to $5. Hours
Heavenly Treasures Rockdale Christian Services “Heavenly Treasures” thrift store, 233 North Main, serves the needy with gently used clothing and household items at prices from 25 cents to $5. Hours
Calls for are volunteer fire departments dispatched through the Rockdale Police Department during the past week included the following: • 6:48 p.m. May 7, power line arcing in tree, 200
221-225 E. Cameron • Rockdale 512/446-5838 • Fax 512/446-5317 THURSDAY, MAY 16 • Free Food Distribution 9 a.m., Rockdale KC Hall parking lot. • City debris pickup, call City
Meadowbrook slated to host Baccalaureate Meadowbrook Baptist Church will host the Baccalaureate Service for the Rockdale High School graduating class of 2019 at 3 p.m. Sunday. All graduating seniors are
One of the surest signs that the school year is about to end is the presentation of “Texas,” a musical featuring first graders at Rockdale Elementary School. The play was
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567