
Chamber ‘Light Up Rockdale’ annual decorating contest

Chamber ‘Light Up Rockdale’ annual decorating contest

The Rockdale Chamber of Commerce’s annual “Light Up Rockdale” Christmas decoration contest for in both residential and business categories is under way. Entrants need to contact the chamber at 512-446-2030 to enter by giving your name or business name and address. Judging will be on the evening of December 18 and your lights must be on that night. Shown here is the home of the Karl family— Will, Ashley and son Zack—who go all out every year.

Work begins soon on 1895 facade

Work begins soon on 1895 facade

Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 11 a.m., the Texas Historical Foundation Director Judy Davis visited Rockdale to tour The 1895 and hosted a presentation of the 2022 THF Michael Duda Architectural Grant awarded to Vision Historic Preservation Foundation. The grant is contributing to the restoration of the iconic bell tower.


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567