
It is a storm born of butterfl y wings

It is a storm born of butterfly wings

What causes hurricanes? Low pressure weather systems are the main cause. Latent heat rising from water evaporation over warm oceans, not dispersed by wind sheer, that rises and begins to turn by the effects of opposite, plummeting cool air. That’s the main cause. But there may be other causes that make the prediction of hurricanes impossible. Causes such as . . . butterflies.

Jesus is a great gift

Jesus is a great gift

I’m sitting across from the Blonde right now. One of the best things I do every day is drink coffee with her, talk about the news and pray together. The kitchen table is a blessing many families have forgotten about. I am however a little disturbed by something she just shared with me. I asked her what she was looking at on her phone and she replied, “A turkey chili recipe.” I’m thinking those are two words that should never be used in the same sentence. Not only that but the idea that it is “chili” season makes me think about winter and I am not a fan. Then the word turkey makes me think about Thanksgiving, and as I shared last week I have been thinking about the holidays and I’m not always the biggest fan of the season that is coming up. My favorite holiday might be New Year’s Day because we all press reset and things are fresh and new. Can someone please raise a hallelujah!? Our holiday adventures will start with the 24-year-old who used to live at our house and now teaches a room full of eight-year-olds. She will come visit (which is great), we will eat the dreaded turkey and then she will put up the Christmas tree with Jennifer. I’m sure the lights won’t work again but what’s new? On the Sunday after Thanksgiv ing people will ask, “How was your Thanksgiving?” And I will lie and say, “It was good, how was your Thanksgiving?” Then they will lie too. I’m not even close to being a “foodie.” Maybe that’s part of the problem. A holiday centered on food doesn’t really excite me, and really it’s about gluttony isn’t it? Overweight preachers preaching about sin when their sin is well, so obv ious has never really made me happy (it makes the rest of us look bad). I doubt it makes God happy either and He’s the one that counts, right?! Last time I checked gluttony is still a sin (Proverbs 23:20, 21, 23:2, 28:7).


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