
Saying grace: Is the food ours or a gift?

Saying grace: Is the food ours or a gift?

realize this article may not be for everyone. Not every reader of this paper is religious, or, if religious, attends church. Not every reader, if they attend church, receives The Lord’s Supper every week. Not every reader says grace before they eat. But, having been nurtured in such traditions, I must share with you that when I smell the fragrance of baked bread and the sweetness of grape juice or wine, I’m so thankful to God. I

All in with Jesus

All in with Jesus

got up Sunday morning thinking it seems like the last thing people need is another sermon. We are so busy as a culture and we have so much to do - did I really want to stand up and give people one more thing to do, one more rule to follow? I

Thorndale FCCLA at nationals
Thorndale FCCLA at nationals

Thorndale FCCLA at nationals

Thorndale FCCLA members attended the National FCCLA Conference in San Diego, CA earlier this month. Members in attendance were Emilee Baker, Madison Brian, Hailey Meadors, Morgan Meadors and Jessica Yount. “These young ladies experienced tremendous accomplishments for their chapter and represented Thorndale and the central Texas community well,” said Larissa Ensor, Thorndale FCCLA Advisor.


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567