First Friday Coffee comes back Friday
The popular First Friday Coffee at the Lucy Hill Patterson Memorial Library is making a comeback on Friday, July 1. The coffee get-togethers have been on hold since March of 2020 due to the pandemic.
The popular First Friday Coffee at the Lucy Hill Patterson Memorial Library is making a comeback on Friday, July 1. The coffee get-togethers have been on hold since March of 2020 due to the pandemic.
The Milam County 4th of July Celebration will kick off on the square in downtown Cameron to celebrate Independence Day. Fireworks are currently banned in Milam County, however, the organizers are hoping for enough rain that the ban might be rescinded for a licensed provider fireworks show.
Sidney Youngblood, Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District (POS- GCD) board president, announced his retirem e n t f r o m the POSGCD board effective following the Aug. 10 POSGCD board meeting. Sidney was appointed by the Milam County Commissioner’s Court in 2013 to represent Industrial Interests in the county in 2013. In 2016 he was elected board president and has served in that capacity since.
BEAT THE SUMMER HEAT—Rockdale Rotary Club has generously donated fans to help Rockdalians stay cool. Rockdale Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Denise Brock said, “We thank the Rockdale Rotary Club for the donation, and anyone needing a fan this summer should call the chamber office at 512- 446-2030.” On hand for the delivery to the chamber are chamber board president Sonny Lillard, Rotarians Joan Ratliff, Chuck Keagy, Mike Vance, Brock and Rotarian Nathan Bland.
In response to the horrific events related to the active shooter in Uvalde on May 24, the law enforcement community, school districts and citizens have an urgent need to develop immediate solutions to better safeguard Milam County schools and children.
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567