Rockdale PD makes five felony arrests
The Rockdale Police Department made five felony arrests during the past week including:
The Rockdale Police Department made five felony arrests during the past week including:
To ensure students are prepared for in-demand, high-skill, high-wage careers in Texas, Rockdale ISD offers 12 programs of study that include occupations that meet regional labor market criteria that include projected job growth, annual job openings and the state median wage. We ensure course sequences that lead to postsecondary education and training opportunities and work with students to plan for life after high school, wherever their scholastic interests may take them.
The RISD Bands Christmas Concert will be held Thursday, Dec. 9. The concert will take place at the Rockdale HS Auditorium starting at 6:30pm.
This Saturday is the 16th annual Buddy Oney Toy Run at The Ranch. You can start bringing your new, unwrapped toys worth $25 at 9 a.m. Donations are always welcome too. Please support this wonderful organization and bring some happiness to Milam County’s less fortunate kids.
Wesley G. Payne of Thorndale has filed with the Republican Party as candidate for the office of Milam County Precinct 4 Commissioner.
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567